Arina Tien is a 20-year-old student from Taipei, Taiwan. She chose to attend Kapi‘olani Community College to study due to her interest in her major, Liberal Arts Psychology. She plans on transferring to Brigham Young University and hopes to be a psychologist in the future.
She came to Hawai‘i due to her marriage with an American citizen and is greatly enjoying moving here.
“I think everything is great and the view always touched me a lot,” Tien said. “When I go to somewhere I can see anything, it’s beautiful.”
When not studying, she likes to watch the television series “Riverdale,” cook, and go to her Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“We can go to make ourselves a better person,” she said. “I have a lot of energy, yeah. And it is because of my religion. It’s the most important in my life, and it was the reason I got married.”