Category: Campus Opinions

A Midlifer’s Guide to College: Why Go Back to School?

For over a year, I ran the idea of going back to school past friends. It would take me eight years if I went part-time. By the time I earned my BA I’d be 51 years old, I’d accrue years of debt and there’d be no guarantee on the other side of finding a job I loved that paid well. “You don’t need it,” they’d say. “You’re already in the industry.” 

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Do you approve of what Donald Trump has done in his first few weeks in office?

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  • Robin HenskiRobin Henski
    Robin Henski, 21, is originally from Houston, Texas. She has lived in Hawaiʻi for four years and has been at student at KCC for three years. She has her hands full with school and work but when she has free time she still makes time for her family. She plans to transfer to UH-Mānoa next semester to study Environmental Law. “I’ve always loved law and the environment so, when I found a way to incorporate both in my life," she said. "It was an exciting path to pursue." After college, Robin plans to move to New York or back to Texas to start her career in law.
