By Juri Dagio | Staff Writer
Word on the Street: If you could have a superhero power, what would it be and why?
Age: 18
Hometown: Kalihi
Major: Culinary Arts
“Invisibility. Well, I work in culinary, sometimes when you make mistakes you don’t want to be seen.”

Derek Hashimoto
Years worked at KCC: 5 years
Hometown: Kapahulu
Job title: University Security Officer
“I’d like to fly. Simple, freedom.”
Natsumi Tsuda
Age: 26
Hometown: Fukui, Japan
Major: Liberal Arts
“I would want to have the power to go anywhere I want, whenever I want. I’m from Japan, and I’m an international student; I can save money and time.”

Paul Perryman
Age: 45
Hometown: San Francisco, California
Major: Nursing
“Teleportation. I don’t have to drive anymore, I could go to the mainland, hangout with some friends and come back.”
Madoka Baba
Age: 19
Hometown: Kumamoto, Japan
Major: Liberal Arts
“I have a parrot so I would want to fly. I want to fly with my bird.”