By Shawna Takaki | Staff Writer
Word on the Street: What animal would you want to be reborn as?
Ren Inagawa
Age: 21
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Major: Liberal Arts
“I wanna be a dog. … I just love dogs.”

Isabella Eteuati
Age: 19
Hometown: Palolo, Oʻahu
Major: Computer Science
“A cat. … I just think they’re the cutest, and they can be lazy all day, and I wanna do that.”
Kaleb Jackson
Age: 18
Hometown: Palolo, Oʻahu
Major: IT Security
“I think I would be a wombat, because they’re funny looking.”

Jobie Philavong
Age: 18
Hometown: Palolo, Oʻahu
Major: Culinary Arts
“Maybe a panda. They’re kinda funny.”
Sage Campomanes
Age: 19
Hometown: Boulder, Colorado
Major: Liberal Arts
“I would be a bunny, because they’re adorable.”