By Nagisa Umemoto | Staff Writer
Word on the Street: What do you want to dress up as for this Halloween?
Maravich Maae
Age: 21
Hometown: Pearl City, Hawai‘i
Major: Medical Assisting
“I want to be a nurse because my dream is to be a nurse in the future.”

Yeeun Lee
Age: 18
Hometown: Incheon, Korea
Major: English
“I want to be a ghost because I don’t like horror movies but am interested in being a ghost.”
Kirsten Mito
Age: 18
Hometown: Liliha, Honolulu
Major: Liberal Art
“I want to be a skeleton because I just thought it’d be silly.”

Bonang Kim
Age: 20
Hometown: Jakarta, Indonesia
Major: Liberal Art
“I want to be a Spider-Man because it’s cool.”
Brandon Lukas
Age: 19
Hometown: Palolo, Micronesia
Major: Liberal Art History
“I want to be a movie character from ‘Bring It On,’ specifically the Clover male cheerleader because I like the movie. It’s also my favorite childhood movie.”