Castillo shows off his Halloween spirit as an Ostrich rider. (Photo by Makayla Dilliner)
By Makayla Dilliner | Staff Writer
Mark-Leonel Castillo is an 18-year-old in his first semester majoring in Liberal Arts at Kapi‘olani Community College. Castillo was born in the Philippines and has moved frequently throughout his life, living the majority of his years in Hawaiʻi.
His sister, who also attends KCC, played a defining role in Castillo’s decision to go to college.
“She’s actually a big part of that,” he said. “I know that if I came to college without knowing anyone, I’d just be lost.”
In the future, he hopes to become a physical therapist by transferring to University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa or Grand Canyon University.
“I don’t want to see people hurt or injured,” he said.
Castillo also has aspirations to join the military and travel. No matter what path Castillo takes it is all in order to help people, especially his family.
“I want to make enough money for my family,” Castillo said. “So we never have to move again.”