Author: Chris Takahashi

Danelle Gallo

Danelle Gallo, Oʻahu resident by way of Connecticut, is a KCC pre-nursing student applying for either the LPN or RN program for fall 2017. Her first love is art, of which Danelle admits, “I’ll always be an artist and a musician.” Danelle has channeled her passion for art and music into her studies of medicine, and she hopes to become a compassionate healer in the field. She is currently wrapping up a Master’s degree in Oriental Medicine from the World Medicine Institute. “We need both (western and eastern medicine approaches) to be healthy…and so I’ve been studying acupuncture and medicinal herbs. I feel like I want a really comprehensive view of medicine,” says Danelle. In her spare time you can find Danelle enjoying the outdoors, creating music, and blending art creatively with political action.

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Ryan Sacro

Ryan is a first-year student at KCC in the Culinary Arts Program. The inspiration for his choice of study and his love of all cuisines can be traced back to his mother, who by all accounts is an excellent chef. When not playing basketball or hanging out with friends off campus, you can find Ryan leading a lively Bible study with fellow KCC students on Fridays in the ‘Iliahi Courtyard. The group is called One by One and they are affiliated with the Oʻahu Church of Christ, with services at UH Mānoa. Reading the Bible “deepens your relationship with God, and you learn a lot about your character,” says Ryan. His Bible study group also volunteers at a homeless shelter in Waimānalo on the weekends.

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What are your Spring Break plans?

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  • Miki NakasoneMiki Nakasone
    Miki Nakasone is a first year student at KCC. She has just graduated from Kalani High School. At the moment she is undecided in terms of her major, though she is currently striving to get a Liberal Arts degree at KCC. In her free time she likes to stand-up paddle and surf. One of the beaches that she frequents the most is Kahala beach since itʻs near her house. The biggest waves that she has ever caught were around 3-4 feet. Over break she is looking forward to her cousins coming down from California.


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