By Katlin Cilliers| Staff Writer
Word on the street: What are some of the worst and best experiences you’ve had during finals?
Gabrielle Constantino
Age: 19
Major: Communicology
“There’s more bad than good. I guess the worst is … I used to stay at the library at UH, we used to stay there until 2 or 3 in the morning just studying together. It was me and a couple friends. I guess the best that we got is that we ordered, like, a lot of food. We were there three nights in a row, just studying together and every night we’d order dinner and have it delivered to the library, it was a lot of fun. So we’d just, like, throw everything off to the side and we’d just eat together.”

Michael Lukas
Age: 23
Hometown: Koror, Palao
Major:Hospitality and Tourism
“Definitely I feel like I should not procrastinate, and since it’s finals we got a bunch of presentations and whatnot. I’m doing tourism and hospitality, so procrastination, don’t do it. You’ll be struggling with your presentations and reviewing for the finals.”
Wai Kit Lau
Age: 21
Hometown: Hong Kong, China
Major: Hospitality and Tourism
“I always study one day before. I’m sometimes too lazy to study, so it’s all for the final date.”

Myunghun Jo
Age: 21
Hometown: Deajeon, South Korea
Major: Liberal Arts
“Best is we gotta prepare. Worst is we didn’t study at all.”
Ka’iulani O’Brien
Age: 22
Hometown: Waimānalo
Major: Marine Biology
“I guess the best part is passing them. The worst part … one time I had three finals back to back.”