By Ayoung Lee | Staff Writer

Word on the Street: What were your New Years resolutions? Are you following through with them?

Mary Yamut
Age: 20
Major: Accounting

“My new years resolution was to go back to school because I was working. This is my second semester back. Classes are making it really easy nowadays. Like my Math 75, they have this new learning thing where they don’t really dive into math. They do this because a lot of students come back and their math skills are … they don’t remember it from high school.”

Amanda Coble
Age: 19
Hometown: Japan
Major: Pre-Nursing

“It was to go to the gym more often and well I’m religious and Christian so I wanted to kind of trust God more with decisions in college without fear of failure. I am going [to the gym more] often; I’m going after this class. On a good streak, I [used to go] maybe once a week. … I’m trying to go three times a week. [Trusting God] is going good. I’m actually a pre-nursing student at UH Mānoa and it’s a very competitive program but it’s going good just studying and stuff. [I’m at KCC this semester] for microbiology.”


Ryuki Mikawa
Age: 20
Hometown: Japan
Major: Accounting

“I want to improve my English ability and try to communicate with English speakers more often. [I am] speaking with English speakers more often.”

Alden Fernandez
Age: 20
Hometown: Kalihi
Major: Physical Science

“My new year’s resolution was to get out of my comfort zone and to get more involved with the activities offered by KCC and other resources. So to fulfill that resolution I signed up for a program called NASA National Community College Aerospace Scholars. I’ve also signed up for a lot more classes and activities so my schedule is pretty booked.”

Erin Hoe
Age: 21
Hometown: Kaimukī
Major: Animation

“I didn’t have one specifically, it was mostly just to turn in my project on time. I have a bunch of art projects I have to do constantly and get behind for the New Media Arts program. So far [I am not falling behind] … not yet. Losing a lot of sleep already.”