By Cameron Enomoto | Staff Writer
Word on the Street: What is something kind someone did for you that put a smile on your face?
Age: 53
Hometown: Pearl City, Oʻahu
Major: None
“I took piano classes with Professor Lum when she first taught at a different community college almost 30 years ago and this semester I had enrolled really late. It put a smile on my face when she helped to get me in her class so I could play music with her again.”

Erika Sugiyama
Age: 22
Hometown: Aichi, Japan
Major: Business
“I got a letter from my boyfriend in the mail recently. It made me really happy to get it because I haven’t seen him lately.”
Xandra Morataya
Age: 21
Hometown: Waipahu, Oʻahu
Major: Medical Assisting
“I had someone compliment my dress a few days ago and that made me really happy because it was my first time wearing it out.”

Sarah Han
Age: 20
Hometown: Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu
Major: Biology
“I would say when my sister does something funny or my cats. I have three cats so they always do silly things.”
Kim Vo
Age: 23
Hometown: San Diego, California
Major: Pre-nursing
“When I see dogs they always put a smile on my face. I feel like I get along better with dogs more than people.”