By Cameron Enomoto | Staff Writer
Word on the Street: What is one quality you look for in a friend?
Elizabeth Yun
Age: 18
Hometown: Honolulu, Oʻahu
Major: Business
“I think I look for genuine personality and honesty. If theyʻre my friend they’ll be there for me if I need them.”

Chae Young Lee
Age: 21
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Major: Liberal Arts
“Personality, maybe someone who is trustworthy. I don’t like people who spread rumors.”
Anne Lum
Years worked at KCC: 31
Hometown: Buckhannon, West Virginia
Department: Piano and voice professor
“I look for somebody that’s fun and has a good sense of humor that I can laugh with. I want to be able to trust them to be there when the going gets tough.”

Rylen Kasashima
Age: 23
Hometown: Honolulu, Oʻahu
Major: Liberal Arts
“I guess someone reliable. Just so you can count on them and they’ll have your back when you need it.”
Miku Serizawa
Age: 20
Hometown: Yokohama, Japan
Major: Liberal Arts
“How they treat people. I think that how they treat themselves shows how they treat other people.”