By Shawna Takaki | Staff Writer
Word on the Street: Which of your finals are you most worried for?
Hinari Kimpara
Age: 22
Hometown: Nagoya, Japan
Major: Liberal Arts
“I’m a little bit worried about ESOL 94. I just studied vocabulary, English words.”

Binh Tien Giang
Age: 29
Hometown: Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Major: Information Technology
“I’m not worried about it. I don’t really care about degrees, don’t really care about finals anymore. I’m going to make my own company. … Been reading manga to relieve my stress.”
Mark Gabriel Christian Auza
Age: 20
Hometown: Honolulu, Oʻahu
Major: Liberal Arts
“In regards for worried, it’d be my Anatomy and Physiology final exam. … It’s a combination of whatever we learned throughout the semester, and I’m not that confident in certain chapters. I didn’t study as hard compared to other chapters. … I’m reading over the course material and studying notes.”

Asaki Nagoshi
Age: 19
Hometown: Osaka, Japan
Major: Liberal Arts
“ESOL 94. I hate writing.”
Princess Namoca
Age: 20
Hometown: Waipahu, Oʻahu
Major: Information Technology
“Math 135, Pre-calculus. For now I’m just revisiting my notes and reviewing the past exams.”