Author: Katlin Cilliers

Tiare Tom

Tiare Tom has been on Oahu for two years. She moved here from Newport Beach, California to go to school, since part of her family lives on the island. The 22-year-old is working towards a degree in Art; she would like to be a museum curator in the future. Tom currently volunteers at the Honolulu Museum of Art, where she hopes to establish connections and get a foot in the door for future career opportunities.

At the moment, she’s been working in her final school projects. “It’s been a good semester. I like being back in school,” she said.

In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, going to the beach and hiking. Her go-to hike is Koko Head Crater Trail.

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  • Pono Kuliaeloaʻa Naʻauao Hōlualoa KahiliPono Kuliaeloaʻa Naʻauao Hōlualoa Kahili
    Pono Kuliaeloaʻa Naʻauao Hōlualoa Kahili lives in Maunolaha with his wife and extended family. Kahili is 75 percent Hawaiian. His name was chosen by his father and is roughly translated to concepts of “enlightenment” and “wisdom.” Although he currently works in the engineering department of a hotel loading dock, the Liberal Arts major is uninterested in the field. Instead, he wants to pursue something in the area of mechanics after he is done at KCC. “I wanna be able to fix something," he said. "Look at it and fix it … I’m thinking about doing that.” In his free time, Kahili likes to work in his yard with his grandma. She does the planting and he helps by doing the heavy labor when they work together.
