Author: Sarah Hendrix

Bianca Quibuyen

Bianca Quibuyen is a second-year student majoring in Accounting. Originally from Manila, Philippines she chose to go into accounting because of the stability and job security that a career in that field could offer.

“Accounting is a really good major, especially here in the U.S. since everybody needs accountants, like all the companies that you go to need accountants,” Quibuyen said. “So I think it’s job security.”

Her plan once she finishes her second year at KCC is to transfer to UH West Oʻahu to complete her Bachelor’s in Accounting. When Quibuyen is not at school studying she also works at First Hawaiian Bank. In her leisure time she enjoys reading books and takes up swimming as a hobby. She has experience swimming competitively but since she quit training competitively it has become an activity she enjoys doing in her spare time.

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Leinad Arakaki

Leinad Arakaki received her Associate of Science in Nursing from Kauaʻi Community College back in 2002. She was born and raised in Kauaʻi and moved to Oʻahu in 2006. Originally, her plan in coming to KCC was to finish her degree and get her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Since coming back to school Arakaki has rediscovered the passion she has always had for social sciences.

“While nursing is a great profession, I always, always was interested in humanities, social sciences,” she said. “And when I took my geography course last semester, which would have been part of my bachelor’s in Nursing, I realized how much I really love it and still love it and decided to head into a social science field.”

Arakaki is considering getting her Bachelor of Arts in Geography or even Sociology when she transfers to UH-Mānoa next semester. When she’s not busy studying or working, she loves to hike trails like Moanalua trail over on the windward side.

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  • Kara RiggsbeeKara Riggsbee
    Kara will be graduating this December from UH Mānoa with a degree in Molecular Cell Biology. Though she takes classes over at the Mānoa campus, you’ll find Kara working under KCC Microbiology Professor John Berestecky in a lab on KCC’s campus most days of the week. Kara hopes to continue her studies in either graduate-level biology research or by attending medical school. Kara grew up in southern California and decided to attend UH Mānoa in part due to the stories she heard from her father about the islands. He was stationed on O’ahu in the Navy some years back. Over spring break, Kara traveled to Maui and enjoyed her trip immensely — especially the road to Hāna and waterfalls along the way — in spite of receiving a sunburn for the first time.
