Author: Sarah Hendrix


Do you approve of what Donald Trump has done in his first few weeks in office?

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  • Olu LamodiOlu Lamodi
    19 year old Olu Lamodi is a Nursing student taking classes at both KCC and UH Mānoa. As a part of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), Lamodi was moved to Hawaiʻi from Atlanta, Georgia, but he enjoys it here. ROTC has provided him with a full ride for university, which is one of the main reasons why he is part of it. When he was younger, Lamodi was always interested in ROTC and participated in Junior ROTC (JROTC) during high school, leading him to continue to the next level in college. As for his major, Lamodi chose his because he likes what it takes to be a nurse. "I've always wanted to help people in the medical field," said Lamodi, "but I didn't necessarily want to be a doctor. I actually like ... the rigorousness of being a nurse instead." Lamodi hobbies include playing basketball and chilling at home. Since ROTC is maintaining his expenses, he is able to focus on school and not have to work. After graduating, he plans to enlist in the Air Force, since it is a highly recommended branch, and use his medical training where it is needed most.
