Author: Juri Dagio


Do you approve of what Donald Trump has done in his first few weeks in office?

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  • Yilin WanYilin Wan
    Yilin Wan, a 20-year old aspiring psychologist, is preparing to graduate from KCC and will be transferring to UH Mānoa to pursue a BA in Psychology next semester. “I am very excited to go back to China for the summer,” Yilin said. “Most of my friends back in China who are in college will not be on summer break until July, but I will spend time with family before seeing them.” Yilin is from Wuhan, China, and has lived on O‘ahu for almost four years. She currently spends her free time studying for upcoming finals but still makes time for watching anime, her current favorite being “Kino’s Journey.” Yilin also works as a note taker on campus and is currently taking Chinese 290 as a native Mandarin speaker. “While I am home for the summer I will travel to Guangzhou, Liuzhou, and Shanghai,” Yilin said. “I hope to go to Disneyland while in Shanghai.”
