Author: Kaithlyn Villanueva

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What are your Spring Break plans?

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  • Dani AwangDani Awang
    Dani Awang, a 30-year old aspiring private chef, is currently enrolled in the Culinary Arts program at KCC. "I actually don't have a drivers license," Dani said. "My favorite thing about Hawai’i has been the public transportation. Back in New York, it's very chaotic but here it's more my speed. Dani is from is Queens, New York and has lived in Hawai‘i for nine months; she has wanted to move to Hawai’i since 2008. When she isn't busy with school and studying, she likes to binge watch shows. "I just finished watching Trublood," Dani said. "Now I've started watching Living Single; it's such a classic." Dani, a former military member, hopes to graduate from the culinary program and include nutritional training in her career. She wants to show people that they can eat healthily and have delicious meals.


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