Category: News

What Trump’s Executive Orders Mean For College Students

There is collective uncertainty about the future of higher education. University of Hawai‘i President Wendy Hensel, who oversees UH Mānoa and all community colleges, said she has been working closely with Hawaiʻi Congress, Gov. Josh Green’s office and the state attorney general to navigate these confusing and constantly evolving times in order to act in compliance with the law while still maintaining the UH’s core values.

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Culinary Students Assist Culinary Icons at Annual Food Festival

The Hawaiʻi Food & Wine Festival is not only for food and wine loving patrons, it is a time of gathering for industry professionals to reconnect and celebrate each other’s work. More than that, it is an opportunity for culinary students around Hawaiʻi to meet, and work alongside, some of the world’s most revered chefs, offering them an entryway into the next phase of their careers. 

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Affording College: How HINET Can Help

It took several years for Tumbaga, now 31, to return to KCC after leaving the first time. He had to save money to pay for school. Even after the nursing program began – it took him two attempts to get in – he struggled financially. That’s when a fellow classmate told Tumbaga about HINET.

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  • Robert YoungRobert Young
    Robert Young is a first-year professor at KCC. He teaches Math 75x to students. To most of his students, he is known as "Kumu". When he is not teaching, he is studying neuroscience at the center of disabilities for the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Prior to teaching at KCC, Kumu Robert worked at Ānuenue and helped develop the math program there. He also currently works to develop 8th-grade mathematics curriculum for Native Hawaiians. Young likes to spend his time working at the Institute For Human Services (IHS), a homeless shelter for families and children in Kalihi. There he runs an after-school science and math program. "I think I like learning about the world more, math is just a means to do it," said Kumu Robert. He explains that math is a universal concept that can apply to anything. Kumu Robert prefers to not focus on one thing but instead likes to study many things including neuroscience and physics. Math gives him the tools to understand the world.


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