Author: Sarah Burchard

Affording College: How HINET Can Help

It took several years for Tumbaga, now 31, to return to KCC after leaving the first time. He had to save money to pay for school. Even after the nursing program began – it took him two attempts to get in – he struggled financially. That’s when a fellow classmate told Tumbaga about HINET.

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Voices & Views

  • Jing XiongJing Xiong
    Jing Xiong is a 20-year-old Liberal Arts Major from Zhong Shan, China.  Xiong enjoys playing video games in his free time, his favorites being turn based, strategic, and any extremely difficult level game. He likes playing on console, mobile, and PC.  When he is not gaming, Xiong likes to study, go hiking, and get lost in the world of YouTube.  "I'm the person that's up at 3 a.m. watching all of my recommended videos," he said. "I always learn new things on YouTube. I love learning new things."
