Category: Campus News

Culinary Students Assist Culinary Icons at Annual Food Festival

The Hawaiʻi Food & Wine Festival is not only for food and wine loving patrons, it is a time of gathering for industry professionals to reconnect and celebrate each other’s work. More than that, it is an opportunity for culinary students around Hawaiʻi to meet, and work alongside, some of the world’s most revered chefs, offering them an entryway into the next phase of their careers. 

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Affording College: How HINET Can Help

It took several years for Tumbaga, now 31, to return to KCC after leaving the first time. He had to save money to pay for school. Even after the nursing program began – it took him two attempts to get in – he struggled financially. That’s when a fellow classmate told Tumbaga about HINET.

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  • Chingin SeletChingin Selet
    Ching In is a second-year student at KCC whose major is Liberal Arts, though hopes to eventually get into the medical program. He plans on being a nurse in the future to help people with disabilities cope with their disorders. His grandmother was the reason as to why he chose to pursue this career path since she is half-paralyzed and he wanted to gain more knowledge on how he could be of more use to her. When In isn't with his grandmother, he plays basketball in his downtime. During his senior year in high school, he was given the chance to join his school's basketball team after years of always being interested in the sport but never actually playing competitively. The opportunity presented itself when his friends told him that the team was short one player. Having gotten over the initial hump of playing for the first time, he simply "went with the flow," and it turned out that he liked it.
