Category: Word on the Street



What are your Spring Break plans?

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  • Kiyomi SandersKiyomi Sanders
    Kiyomi Sanders is in her first year at KCC majoring in Liberal Arts with plans to eventually transfer to UH Mānoa. Sanders is hoping to double major in Classics and something in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics field. With finals quickly approaching Sanders is worried about remembering everything for her cumulative exam in Math 135. Her math class is an accelerated course that covers a new section of the curriculum every week. So instead of having one math course over a 16 week semester, her class broke up into two math classes that are 8 weeks each. Sanders expresses her concerns for exams, not necessarily because of the difficulty, but because of the exhaustion she is feeling as she nears the end of the fall semester. "I'm not really worried about finals being really hard, I'm more worried about the fact that I'm so burnt out from the whole semester that I'm having a hard time doing really simple things."


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