By Chaz Au | Staff Writer
Why did you come to KCC?
Hye-Jeong Choi
Age: 19
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Major: ESOL
According to Hye-Jeong Choi, she chose to come to Hawai’i to study, but was not able to choose what school she studied at. After KCC, Choi wants to go to UH and study to become a hotel manager. Currently at KCC, she is in the ESOL program. Choi said she enjoys it at KCC and says our campus is beautiful. Choi had not visited Hawai’i prior to enrolling at KCC.

Julie Jung
Age: 19
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Major: ESOL
Julie Jung also did not choose to come to Kapi‘olani Community College. It was chosen for her. Jung’s favorite thing about KCC so far is the Ice Cream socials. After graduating from KCC, Jung wants to go back to Korea and become a flight attendant, or do anything involving airline service. Prior to enrolling at KCC, Jung had never visited Hawai’i.
Kensuke Uchida
Age: 21
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Major: Hawaiian Studies

Sayaka Akiyama
Age: 22
Hometown: Miyazaki, Japan
Major: ESOL
Sayaka Akiyama made the move from Japan to Hawai’i. She said the hardest part about the move was learning how to speak English. Akiyama is interested in the Hawaiian culture. She also said the climates between Miyazaki, Japan and Hawai’i are very similar, which has made the move easier.
Maho Ishihara
Age: 21
Hometown: Miyazaki, Japan
Major: ESOL
Ishihara also made the move from Japan to Hawai‘i to study English. Ishihara said she chose to come to KCC because she believes KCC has better professors. After KCC, Ishihara desires to move back to Japan and try to become a Hotel manager.