By Katlin Cilliers | Staff Writer
Word on the street: What are your top smartphone apps (beside social media)?
Christian Menor
Age: 20
Major: Information Technology
“Calculator. I need that. Google. And then…the bus app, because I always ride the bus.”

Adrian Aganos (left)
Age: 21
Major: Nursing
“Rewards from Buffalo Wild Wings, Google Maps and I kinda like … does Google count?”
Asayena Viengamany
Age: 20
Major: Bio-Chem
“Probably Yelp. Facetime.
Hunter Patton
Age: 24
Major: Mechanical Engineering
“The bus app is like, number one. My bank account app and music apps. There’s this cool one …’Spinrilla.’ I got [it] from my friends, and it’s mostly rap music. The cool thing about this one is that it saves your searches even when you have no internet, so you can listen offline.”

Stephanie Young (left)
Age: 18
Major: Liberal Arts
“Well, the KCC app is pretty useful. I do some gaming … there’s this game I really like, it’s called ‘Monument Valley.’ It’s a 3D puzzle game. In order to solve it you have to rotate things around, it’s kind of complex.”
Brianna Huihui
Age: 18
Major: PTA
“Amazon, Ebay and I use this clothing app called Nanamacs. You can buy clothes online. I like shopping.”