By Sarah Hendrix | Staff Writer
What are you most excited about for Spring Break?
Marissa Vinberg
Age: 30
Hometown: Seattle, Wash.
Major: Liberal Arts
“I’m looking forward to maybe having a break. Even though I don’t know if I’m having much of a break, because my dad is coming into town, and I still have work.”

Kevin Wu
Age: 40
Hometown: Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Major: Culinary Arts
“Because the wind will calm down [next week], so I can prepare for sailing. I joined a sailing club and next week my classes start.”
Iroha Mochida
Age: 19
Hometown: Tokunoshima, Japan
Major: Liberal Arts
“I’m going to just hang out with my friends. Also, I’m thinking about field research service learning for my religious studies. I’m planning to visit some religious institutions. I’m thinking about going to the Hindu temple.”

Allison Jones
Age: 19
Hometown: Perry, Ga.
Major: Nursing
“Just time off for some rest and relaxation. Just chilling and sleep and that’s about it.”
Aubrey Mariano
Age: 20
Hometown: Barrigada, Guam
Major: Biology
“Sleep! I’m excited to catch up on sleep. Nothing else, just a break to relax.”