By Lexus Yamashiro | Staff Writer
Word on the Street: What are your plans for this summer?
Courtney Groendyke
Age: 37
Hometown: Spokane, Wash.
Major: Nursing
“Oh my god, I’m gonna sleep. I’m gonna study, which I say now but, you know, that could go to the wayside very quickly [laughs]. I’m gonna hang out with my son whose 18 months old, and I’m gonna look for a job in the nursing industry, hopefully in a hospital.”

Crystal Collins
Age: 25
Hometown: Virginia
Major: Liberal Arts
“I will probably take summer classes for the first part and then the second part of the summer I was just going to work. I think my mom wanted me to come to Philly because she’s moving there so she wanted us to have … a family trip, but I just want to work because I’m broke [laughs].”
Jordan Nakano
Age: 19
Hometown: Pearl City
Major: Nursing
“Probably work to get money for tuition and books, and then some money on the side for some free time. In about two weeks I’m going to Japan with my family.”

Kyla Hagedorn
Age: 23
Hometown: Hawai‘i Kai
Major: Biology
“Ooh, what are my plans for summer? Hopefully traveling. I’m most likely gonna go to Oregon to visit my boyfriend [whose] in the Coast Guard. Um, also just going to be working full-time at Moena Cafe, go to the beach, and hiking.”
Abigail Joy Paulino
Age: 23
Hometown: ʻEwa Beach
Major: Nursing
“My plans for the summer is to study but still have fun [laughs]. Go beach or hiking but study for my TEE [transesophageal echocardiogram] test.”