By Jana Julian | Staff Writer
As the spring semester ends for KCC students, some student may find themselves with plenty of free time now that they aren’t busy with homework and studying. For a lot of college students, summer break is a wonderful opportunity to make some additional cash, apply for an internship or volunteer with local organizations. Below is a short list of different opportunities to keep you busy over the summer that may provide you with unforgettable experiences and will be great additions to transfer applications.
- RESULTS is a movement of passionate, committed everyday people who use their voices to impact political decisions that will bring an end to poverty. RESULTS offers a yearlong fellowship, called REAL Change, which is a hands-on training program for young people between the ages of 18-30. The fellowship starts with attending the RESULTS International Conference scheduled for July 14-17, and upon being accepted into the fellowship, the organization will cover travel and lodging costs to Washington D.C. to attend the conference. During the yearlong program, fellows learn how to work with the media, their communities, and policymakers to create change. As a REAL Change fellow, you will learn to effectively advise policymakers, guiding them towards decisions that improve access to education, health, and economic opportunity; application deadlines are May 30, 2018.
- Paepae o He’eia is a non-profit organization that works to manage and maintains the He’eia fishponds. The organization was started by a group of young Hawaiians and Kamehameha Schools, and their mission is
This is outside of Senator Hirono’s D.C. office on Capitol Hill during a RESULTS conference. (Photo By Jana Julian)
to “implement values and concepts from the model of a traditional fishpond to provide intellectual, physical, and spiritual sustenance” for the community. Paepae o He’eia is offering a paid, eight-week summer internship for interns ages 16-24. This is a fantastic opportunity to give back to the land by working outdoors learning to restore, maintain and manage a fish pond. The internship runs from June 4-July 27 starting at 11.00 dollars an hour; interns are expected to work 16 hours a week and be able to perform physical labor; application deadlines are May 18, 2018, and must be hand-delivered to the onsite office.
- The Hawai’i Conservation Alliance is a partnership of conservation leaders representing government, cultural, educational, and non-profit organizations from across the state. Together, the organizations are responsible for protecting the biodiversity of water and land in Hawai’i. The alliance works to preserve native ecosystems and ensure that the unique biodiversity of the Hawaiian Islands endures while providing unified leadership and advocacy for conservation issues in Hawai’i. Through Conservation Connections, the Hawai’i Conservation Alliance offers many opportunities to volunteer over the summer, with a different event being held a few times a week. You can volunteer for the First Saturday Habitat
Piles of coral and mangrove sit waiting to be moved by volunteers at Paepae o He’eia. (Photo by Jana Julian)
Restoration, attend the donation based Sunset POP Pilates beach cleanup or even travel to one of the other islands to do conservation work such as protecting Kokee’s native forest on Kauai. There are endless opportunities to volunteer with the Hawai’i Conservation Alliance that will be very flexible with your summer schedule.
- Hawai’i Pacific Health is offering volunteer opportunities for people ages 16 and up who can make at least a three-month commitment if weekly scheduling to volunteer at Kapiolani, Pali Momi, Straub or Wilcox locations. If you are interested in making a difference in the community, gaining valuable experience and meeting a variety of people, this is an ideal opportunity. Hawai’i Pacific Health is looking for volunteers with positive attitudes, a genuine desire to help others and interest in health careers. Volunteers will work directly with patients, assist staff in transporting, visiting or reading to patients, work the information desk, and assist in patient care units; applications are rolling, but for a summer commitment an application should be submitted by the end of May.
There are many opportunities for the summer outside of those mentioned here where you can have new experiences, meet like-minded people and create memories, all while giving back to the community. Volunteer Match is a great resource for finding opportunities that will fill up your summer and give you something to add to your transfer applications. Make the most of this summer!