Month: September 2018

Dani Awang

Dani Awang, a 30-year old aspiring private chef, is currently enrolled in the Culinary Arts program at KCC.

“I actually don’t have a drivers license,” Dani said. “My favorite thing about Hawai’i has been the public transportation. Back in New York, it’s very chaotic but here it’s more my speed.

Dani is from is Queens, New York and has lived in Hawai‘i for nine months; she has wanted to move to Hawai’i since 2008. When she isn’t busy with school and studying, she likes to binge watch shows. “I just finished watching Trublood,” Dani said. “Now I’ve started watching Living Single; it’s such a classic.”

Dani, a former military member, hopes to graduate from the culinary program and include nutritional training in her career. She wants to show people that they can eat healthily and have delicious meals.

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Michael Sheehey

Michael Sheehey serves as KCC’s retention coordinator. New to this position since the start of the Fall 2018 semester, Sheehey moved from Pāhoa to Honolulu to jump at this career opportunity. As a retention coordinator, Sheehey works with KCC faculty to oversee campus-wide initiatives to target student success.

Sheehey said that working within the community college gives him this feeling of a “small town vibe.”

“You have the convenience to know who you’re working with and have conversations with these people outside of the context of a specific problem or challenge you’re trying to address,” Sheehey said. “We have to collaborate and cooperate for the sake of our own success.”

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Alyssa Espinoza

Alyssa Espinoza moved to Hawaiʻi with her husband ­six months ago. Originally from Texas, Espinoza and her partner had spent a year and a half stationed in Nebraska before moving to the aloha state. She said that she has been enjoying the island, and its mellow weather.

“I like it because it doesn’t snow,” Espinoza said. “We get to go to the beach a lot, which is a lot of fun. … We can be outside, swimming, and my dog likes to be outside … ”

Being away from her extended family is a challenge to the 21-year old.

“ … My family is back home in Texas, and I recently just lost two of my grandfathers, over the past like, two months. That’s the hardest part, is not being able to be with my family.”

Alyssa is currently working towards a degree in nursing at KCC. In the future, she hopes to work in pediatric care.

In her free time, she goes on hikes and fishing with her husband. She also enjoys watching tutorial videos on how to do makeup.

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  • Pi’ilani EnosPi’ilani Enos
    Pi’ilani Enos currently lives in Kāneʻohe, O’ahu, but makes the commute every morning to KCC because of the respiratory program that its campus offers. Beforehand, she attended Windward Community College (WCC) for her prerequisites in the Respiratory Care Practitioner Program. Enos knew that she was interested in the field of health care having taken care of her two grandmas while growing up. She is originally from Hawai’i island but has since stayed on O’ahu to enroll in school , which she will be in until around July 2019.


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