By Nicole Fernandez| Staff Writer
Word on the Street: What movie always makes you cry and why?
Emi Kidd
Age: 21
Hometown: Japan
Major: Legal Education
“I wanna say ‘Marley and Me.’ I’m just really emotional when it comes to an animal’s death and I really like dogs. ‘Cause I have a dog myself, so I would say, yeah, I cried whenever Marley died.”

Juan Alvarez
Age: 18
Hometown: Honolulu
Major: Undecided
“‘Up,’ hands down. It’s always the beginning. I mean, I don’t really need to explain why that movie gets me emotional. I don’t like to admit it, [laughs] but yeah, I cry.”
Miki Nakasone
Age: 21
Hometown: Honolulu
Major: Liberal Arts
“I guess … ‘Marley and Me’ because I like dogs and I have a pet dog. Like, it’s sad to see other animals passing away.”

Laurence Jones
Age: 22
Hometown: Columbia, S.C.
Major: Liberal Arts
“[laughs] Well this is gonna be
Satoko Matsunaga
Age: 19
Hometown: Japan
Major: Liberal Arts
“OK, I guess ‘Titanic.’ I think it’s the tragedy of the story, and finally the man died and the woman was left, [so] she had to live on. The sinking was sad and the music was sad. Overall, all the elements just made me sad.”