By Cameron enomoto | Staff Writer

Word on the Street: What class are you dreading this semester?

Cera Mantanona
Age: 28
Hometown: MTM, Guam
Major: Pre-nursing

“I like all my classes, I don’t have any that I’m not looking forward to. I am taking microbiology and the lab, as well as an English course.”

Jhesabelle Castillo
Age: 18
Hometown: Salt Lake, Oʻahu
Major: Radtech

“I would say physiology because it’s new to me and there’s so much information to take in. I took PHYL 141 over the summer so now I’m in PHYL 142.”

Floreacia Baggood
Age: 18
Hometown: Kapahulu, Oʻahu
Major: Radtech

“I think math and physiology are the classes I’m not looking forward to since it’s hard.”

Hanae Kato
Age: 18
Hometown: Chiba, Japan
Major: Hospitality

“I think maybe HOST 171 because there is a lot of work to do.”

Rika Sakai
Age: 21
Hometown: Saitama, Japan 
Major: Hospitality

“I like all my classes so I don’t have any that I’m not looking forward to.”