By Sam Ehrhart | Staff Writer
Word on the Street: What is your best summer vacation memory and why?
Kit Chung Michael Hau
Age: 20
Hometown: Hong Kong, China
Major: Liberal Arts with a concentration in Business
“My best summer (lowercase) memory is the time when I went to France with my mom. Paris is a pretty romantic place and France is a beautiful and cool country. French food is really good too.”

King Haber
Age: 26
Hometown: Honolulu
Major: Hospitality and Tourism
“My favorite Summer (lowercase) memory is when I went to the Philippines with my family and we had a huge family reunion. We celebrated and had fun. It was awesome seeing over 100 family members of mine there.”
Victoria El-Swaify
Age: 26
Hometown: Honolulu
Major: Liberal Arts with a concentration in Psychology
“In 2016, I went on a spontaneous camping trip with some friends. It was really fun because we had no plan, we just went on a whim and did whatever we felt like.”

Sungmin Kim
Age: 25
Hometown: Anyang, South Korea
Major: Digital Tourism
“My best Summer (lowercase) memory is the time when I visited a small town called Afyon in the country of Turkey. It’s very rural and getting there takes 10 hours by bus from Istanbul. Since the town is so rural, at night time the sky produces a beautiful river of stars. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen, I miss it.”
Tafatola Gafa
Age: 19
Hometown: Kalihi
Major: Fire Science
“My best Summer (lowercase) memory is the time when I went camping with my family up at Bellows. I was 17 at the time, and it was super fun. It was all good vibes with good people.”