Author: Jared Page

Kristian Pollack

Kristian Pollack is a 19-year-old Kaiser High School alumnus in his second semester at Kapi’olani Community College. He’s currently majoring in accounting and plans to transfer to the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa upon completion of his associate’s degree. He was born in Arizona but moved to Hawai‘i at the age of 2 and has resided in Honolulu since then. 

Pollack spends some of his free time enjoying classic strategy games like solitaire and Mancala, and he’s always prepared for a spontaneous showdown.

“I have an entire bag full of games in case my friends randomly show up,” he said. The wildly popular Cards against Humanity is his favorite choice as of right now.

Pollack has spent a considerable amount of time honing his skills. 

“I’m a terrible student, so I’ve been grounded for a long time,” he said with a smirk. “I’m used to having other options besides electronics.” 

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  • Michelle BonillaMichelle Bonilla
    In her third year of school, 20-year-old KCC student Michelle Bonilla is taking prerequisite classes as a pre-nursing major. The Honolulu native initially began her college experience at UH Mānoa in Fall 2017 but after experiencing difficulty due to the competitiveness of Mānoa's Nursing program and feeling small within the university's large population of students, Bonilla decided to take a step back and transfer into KCC. "I realized that sometimes you just have to start small and you just have to do things at your own pace ..." Bonilla said. Since becoming a KCC student, Bonilla said it is easier to communicate with professors and become closer with classmates. This has encouraged her to run for vice president of Student Congress for the 2019-2020 school year being that she hopes to explore new avenues while getting to grow her connections with those of KCC.  Eventually, Bonilla plans to transfer back to UH to achieve a bachelor's degree in nursing. 
