Author: Kim Baxter


Do you approve of what Donald Trump has done in his first few weeks in office?

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  • Isaiah JohnsonIsaiah Johnson
    Isaiah Johnson is a 20-year-old Mechanical Engineering major at KCC. Johnson is a freshman who is originally from Long Beach, Calif. His dream is to start his own business to fix cars. "I want to have my own business where I fix cars and help others," Johnson said. "I want to expand my mind in the process and help others fix cars too. I want to learn more about how cars are engineered and designed." Johnson decided to pursue this career path since he has multiple family leaders who are already a part of it. "I actually have some family members who are already chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineers," he said. "They've helped me know more about their fields. My aunt in particular is a mechanical engineer and I love what she does." After he graduates from KCC, Johnson does not yet know where he will attend university. He does have interest in Cal-Poly Pomona, which is a engineering college in California. However, Johnson also has interest in joining the military--specifically the army and navy--after his graduation from KCC. "I have a lot of family members who are part of the army," Johnson said. "I have interest in doing a mechanical engineering program in the army and I'll get paid a lot for it too. I'm still pondering if I'll do this though."
