By Nicole Fernandez | Staff Writer
Word on the Street: Do you go Black Friday shopping? Why or why not?
Florani Camcho
Age: 20
Hometown: Kalihi
Major: Liberal Arts
“I haven’t gone [before] actually. I want to this year, though. I was born and raised in the Philippines and we didn’t have that, and I’ve only lived here for three years and in that time I’ve never gone. So it’s like, maybe I’m gonna try this year. I’m probably gonna go to Pink.”

Keare Yamada
Age: 19
Hometown: Tochigi, Japan
Major: Hospitality and tourism
“Yeah, actually this year is my first year to come to Hawaiʻi so I have never been somewhere to shop on Black Friday, but I’m going to go Ala Moana or an outlet. I will walk around, at first, and then if I find a favorite [item], I will buy it.”
Carmen Lam
Age: 18
Hometown: Honolulu
Major: Dual credit
“I do not, because I usually have work. I probably wouldn’t go even if I didn’t have work, I don’t like shopping. Usually, since I travel often, I get my presents and I go at the beginning of the month [of December]. I travel to Asia and other parts of the U.S.”

Krystin Solon
Age: 18
Hometown: ‘Ewa
Major: Liberal Arts
“I don’t. It’s too much of a hassle and [I have] no money. I usually help a friend with an idea for a gift, so that way they get the gift for someone else and they include me. Or I’ll give them a hand-me-down.”
Shaundee Ngirausui
Age: 20
Hometown: Honolulu
Major: Business
“Yes, I go Black Friday. [I go to] Brandy Melville, for my friends. I just get some shirts and some pants, that’s pretty much it [laughs].”