Author: Katlin Cilliers

Loreto Mendoza Jr.

Loreto Mendoza Jr. was born and raised on Maui. He joined the Marine Corps right after finishing high school, in 2012. He was deployed to Afghanistan in 2014, for about seven months. When he was there, he did patrols and convoys.

He was also stationed in California for a few years after coming back from South Asia. Mendoza is currently using his GI Bill benefits to further his education as he decided to end his active service. He’s working towards the Radiologic Technology Program at KCC.

“[The military] gave me a lot of opportunities, education-wise. … I had to grow up fast. I was a 20-year old, 19 year-old in charge of guys who were 25-year old guys.”

In his free time, Mendoza enjoys spear fishing.

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  • Jing XiongJing Xiong
    Jing Xiong is a 20-year-old Liberal Arts Major from Zhong Shan, China.  Xiong enjoys playing video games in his free time, his favorites being turn based, strategic, and any extremely difficult level game. He likes playing on console, mobile, and PC.  When he is not gaming, Xiong likes to study, go hiking, and get lost in the world of YouTube.  "I'm the person that's up at 3 a.m. watching all of my recommended videos," he said. "I always learn new things on YouTube. I love learning new things."
