Author: Gavin Arucan


What are your Spring Break plans?

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  • Kaycee FujiyamaKaycee Fujiyama
    Kaycee Fujiyama is a first-year KCC student. The 19-year-old ʻAiea native is in the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program, focusing her studies specifically for elderly people with Alzheimer's and dementia. Her decision to choose this major was based on the interest she drew from doing service-learning as a volunteer at ʻAiea Heights Senior Living where she realized she enjoyed working with elders. "I decided that I wanted to help [elderly people] and I kind of wanted to encourage them to do things to make sure that they live a happy life," Fujiyama said. Though her service-learning project is finished, Fujiyama said she continues to volunteer at the care home. During her free time, Fujiyama does karate, arts and crafts, and plays the alto saxophone in the band at UH Mānoa. Fujiyama said she plans to transfer to UH Mānoa within two years and is considering looking into the nursing department there. 


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