Author: Lexus Yamashiro

Tengfei Shi

Tengfei Shi is a 17-year-old KCC student from China pursuing studies in the field of Natural Sciences. Shi’s decision in coming to Hawaiʻi was due to his parent’s wishes for him to study in the islands. He said that he’s always had an interest for the science and engineering field, sharing that he hopes to find a career in architectural engineering.

To pursue this dream, Shi will be moving to Los Angeles in Spring 2019 to study architecture. Shi is still deciding between enrolling at Pasadena City College or East Los Angeles College.

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Julia Chung

Majoring in Hospitality and Tourism, Julia Chung is a first-year KCC student. From Honolulu, the 18-year-old chose her major based on the future career she is interested in becoming in the future, a flight attendant.

Having been taught the Japanese language by her mother since the moment she was born, Chung said she can use her bilingual skills in the airlines field to interact with passengers more effectively. Chung looks forward to traveling so that she can learn from every place that she visits.

In the meantime, Chung is taking a Speech 151 course to improve her public speaking and to ease the nervousness she often feels when opening up to others. Chung said that being in this class will benefit her in terms of what a flight attendant would have to do when demonstrating safety protocols and communicating with passengers on the plane.

During her free time, Chung enjoys hiking and going to the beach with friends.

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  • Desiree ManayanDesiree Manayan
    Desiree Manayan is a second-year student at KCC whose major is in nursing. She commutes to campus by bus from Kalihi and is so far, finishing up her pre-requisites for the  nursing program. Eventually Manayan hopes to one day be a registered nurse, specifically specializing in pediatrics. Her favorite class here at KCC is Creative Writing, which she took with Mrs. Harada. What she says she likes about it the most is how she would write multiple drafts to perfect the final pieces pieces, which would in turn help Manayan work out her story in the end. Manayan is also an avid reader. She will read whatever catches her interest, but mostly she will check in the Young Adult section of the library.
