Category: Campus Opinions

A Midlifer’s Guide to College: Why Go Back to School?

For over a year, I ran the idea of going back to school past friends. It would take me eight years if I went part-time. By the time I earned my BA I’d be 51 years old, I’d accrue years of debt and there’d be no guarantee on the other side of finding a job I loved that paid well. “You don’t need it,” they’d say. “You’re already in the industry.” 

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Voices & Views

  • Daniel DriskillDaniel Driskill
    Daniel Driskill is a 24-year-old from ʻĀina Haina in his first semester at KCC, pursuing a career as a local reggae star. Growing up, he loved playing the ‘ukulele and never stopped. The professional career for Daniel started off as a movement of appreciation but quickly grew to be a dream come true, much like the title of his newest single "Dream Come True" which can be found on YouTube under the name Haole Boi. While Daniel does shows in places like Sheraton in Waikīkī and Down Beat Lounge in Chinatown, he stays busy by writing, mixing, and promoting his own music and music videos. Daniel also stays busy with contract work fixing houses and training in taekwondo. While these may all be mentally and physically straining for some, Daniel is passionate about sports and finds taekwondo to be relaxing, using it as his relaxation time.


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