Author: Gavin Arucan

Mitchell Chamness

Mitchell Chamness is an 18-year-old Freshman at KCC who is still undecided in his major and career goals. While he enjoys theater, he acknowledges the lack of jobs in that area and is instead looking into engineering, architecture, graphic design, and physical therapy.

Over winter break, Mitchell spent more time working at his construction job, catching up on lost sleep after a stressful semester, and hanging out with friends returning from their mainland universities. He also listened to a lot of alternative and indie rock music over break, particularly music from the band Amber Run.

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  • Kaira VerdugoKaira Verdugo
    Kaira Verdugo is a 19-year-old Natural Sciences major from Honolulu. She plans to pursue a degree in Forensics after graduating from KCC. “I like the fact that I could bring closure to families, if something bad were to happen,” she said. After high school, Verdugo took a year off and went to Guam, where she worked with her uncle at his business consulting firm. She decided that she wasn’t interested in that career path and returned to O‘ahu to enroll at Kapi‘olani Community College. In her free time, Verdugo likes to do karate, read, and watch Netflix.
