Author: Gavin Arucan

Mitchell Chamness

Mitchell Chamness is an 18-year-old Freshman at KCC who is still undecided in his major and career goals. While he enjoys theater, he acknowledges the lack of jobs in that area and is instead looking into engineering, architecture, graphic design, and physical therapy.

Over winter break, Mitchell spent more time working at his construction job, catching up on lost sleep after a stressful semester, and hanging out with friends returning from their mainland universities. He also listened to a lot of alternative and indie rock music over break, particularly music from the band Amber Run.

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What is the best part of summer?

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  • Wayne GleneWayne Glene
    Wayne Glene, 54, has been living in Hawai‘i since 2009, after serving as a medical technician in the Air Force. In Hawai‘i, he worked as a home care worker. He then noticed that the field lacked people who were qualified in social work. That helped the Cleveland, Ohio, native decide on his academic path, which he was able to pursue after being granted the GI Bill, the military assistance that provides education to service members. Glene describes himself as a simple person, who enjoys the wind blowing, sunshine and nice conversations. He lives in Hawai‘i by himself but declares that his special one is in Japan at the moment. He deals with the distance by staying positive. “Don’t look at the borders, don’t look at the distance, just let the love flow," he said.
