Author: Sarah Hendrix

Anthony Murakami

Anthony Murakami was born and raised in Honolulu and is a returning student, attending KCC part-time this semester. In 2010, Murakami graduated from KCC with his degree in Exercise and Sport Science, but in 2013 he decided to come back and pursue his Liberal Arts degree.

He originally had plans to go back to school and get his degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition at UH Mānoa. However, Murakami recently changed his mind about continuing in that program and decided to would be best to finish off his classes for Liberal Arts. Currently, he is three classes away from graduating and has not decided what path he wants to continue on when he finishes.

During his free time, Murakami enjoys running and kick-boxing when he’s not working or at school.

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  • Janelle YouJanelle You
    Janelle You, a KCC student majoring in teaching English as a second language, takes part in a jam session with her friends. “I was a professional Taiko drummer in L.A. for the past two and a half years. I started when I was seven, so almost all my life. I’m originally from Maui, I had to finish up school before traveling around, and have a back up plan. So this is my first time living in Oahu. Just this past semester is my first semester (at KCC). I went to the University of Pittsburg in Pennsylvania first before I transferred here, and when I moved to California I pursued a Taiko drum major. I took classes in Santa Monica college. Right now I’m taking a break but I hope to get back into it. I’m just singing with friends now." When asked about the name of her music group, she and her friends jokingly suggest the "Shin-anigans" due to the guitarist's surname being Shin.
